Hydro Engineering & Technology Development and Renovation & Modernization Division

Hydro Engineering & Technology and Renovation & Modernization Development Division - Brief Description

Chief Engineer : PRADEEP KUMAR SHUKLA (Additional charge)

Activity of Hydro Engineering & Technology Development and Renovation & Modernization Division
  1. Technical Standards/Regulations work pertaining to Hydro Power Sector.
  2. Design, Engineering & (Principal/review) consultancy services for Electric & Mechanical works related to Hydro Power Plants (including Pump Storage Project).
  3. Examination of General Layout aspect and Electro-Mechanical aspect at Pre-Detail Project Report (Pre-DPR) as well as Detail Project Report (DPR) Stages including Bill Of Quantities (BoQ) and related layout drawings of New Hydro Power Plants (including Pump Storage Project) and Lift Irrigation Schemes/ Multi-purpose Projects (referred by Central Water Commission).
  4. Examination of Revised Cost Estimates (RCE) & Memorandum of Changes (MoC) of Hydro Electric Projects for concurrence by Central Electricity Authority.
  5. Preparation/Review of Guidelines on Renovation and Modernization Schemes in Hydro Electric Projects.
  6. Identification and finalization of Renovation and Modernization (R&M) Schemes in Hydro Electric Projects in the country in consultation with power generating utilities.
  7. Examination / Approval of Detail Project Reports for Renovation and Modernization Works in Hydro Power Stations of Central/State Utilities on request of Electricity Regulatory Commissions/ Governments.
  8. Monitoring of implementation of R&M Schemes in Hydro Electric Projects in the Country and preparation of Quarterly Report.
  9. Assistance to power generating utilities/ Government Departments in preparation of DPRs for new Hydro Electric Projects and R&M Schemes in HEPs.
  10. Providing Inputs for fixing Minimum Local Content of Electric & Mechanical equipment & draft clauses of Public Procurement Preference to Make in India order in respect of Hydro Power to be issued by Ministry of Power, as and when required.
  11. Examination of representations from various associations/manufacturers in light of latest Public Procurement Preference to Make in India order & other relevant Ministry of Power and Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade orders.
  12. To scrutinize the tenders valued Rs. 500 crore & above floated for Public procurement in respect of compliance with Public Procurement Preference to Make in India orders.
  13. Advice on Technology and Engineering issues to external agencies including Central/ State Governments.
  14. Scrutiny of Innovative Proposals/ Schemes in the field of Hydro Power as received from individuals from time to time. Technology evaluation and its up-gradation and to focus on assessment of new technology and equipment for Hydro Power Generation.
  15. Facilitate Research and development (R&D) activities and capabilities in technology and Engineering in the field of Hydro Power Generation and transfer of state of art technology, provide in house R&D base for adaptation. Coordination with the R&D division of Planning Wing in respect of R&D Programme in Power Sector.
  16. Examination of the proposals under National Perspective Plan (NPP) Scheme and Research Scheme of Power Sector (RSOP) of Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) in Hydro Power Sector.
  17. Technical support to other divisions in Central Electricity Authority on Hydro Engineering & Technology including foreign assistance / Bilateral Co-operation with other countries.
  18. Safety audit of Hydro generating station/substation etc. as per Central Electricity Authority (safety requirement for construction, Operation and Maintenance of electric plant and electric lines) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 indicating its findings, recommendations and best practices being followed.
  19. Miscellaneous works like VIP references, Parliament Questions, Parliament Standing Committee on Energy/Consultative Committee, Right to Information queries and technical work of committees including Bureau of Indian Standard committees.