Distribution Policy & Monitoring (DP& M) Division - Brief Description
Chief Engineer : Smt. Vandana Singhal
Distribution Policy & Monitoring (DP& M) Division - Reports
Distribution Policy & Monitoring (DP& M) Division - PMDP
Distribution Policy & Monitoring (DP& M) Division - Other Reports
Minutes of the Sub-Group Meeting for Standardization/ Optimization of Manpower Norms in Distribution Sector held on 26.08.2022
Minutes of the Meeting for Standardization/ Optimization of Manpower Norms in Distribution Sector held on 17.08.2022
Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the Working Group to develop installation standard for Medium Power Application held on 19.07.2022
MoM of the Meeting to finalize Declared Supply Voltage held on 13.01.2022
MoM of the Fourth Meeting of the Working Group to develop installation standard for Medium Power Application held on 21.01.2022
MoM to launch the Disaster Resource Inventory for Power Sector (DRIPS) on NPP held on 27.05.2022
Review of CEA(Installation & Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006
Methodology for calculation of ACS-ARR gap
Review of various codes & BIS standards related to Distribution segment of power sector
Report of the Committee on “Power Demand-States/UTs to initiate innovating Schemes to enhance electricity consumption
Format-Data collection of NER Scheme
NIP State Project List
Request for providing data/information for HHs electrification/Domestic Connection by Discoms / Power department
Disclaimer for village electrification data
Comprehensive award scheme, its format and explanation for distribution companies (government and private) and rural distribution franchises (RDFs) for the year 2016-17.
Regarding submission of RI data in revised format of CEA in compliance with National Electricity Policy.
Comprehensive Award Scheme(s) for the Distribution Companies (Govt. & Private) and Rural Distribution Franchisees (RDFs) for the year 2016-17 – Extension of Date
Comprehensive Award Scheme(s) for the Distribution Companies (Govt. & Private) and Rural Distribution Franchisees (RDFs) for the year 2016-17 – Date of submission extended till 30th November, 2017
Request for state wise list of substations in terms of distribution and transmission voltage wise / change capacity.
Details of CAPEX expenditure and investment in distribution sector (33 kV and below) during 11th and 12th plan period.
CAPITAL INVESTMENT IN DISTRIBUTION SECTOR DURING 10th ,11th &12th PLAN PERIOD(in Rs Crores- At Current Price level) (Provisional)
Draft Distribution Guidelines for comments of Stakeholder
Submission of AT&C and daily hours of supply data by DISCOMS
Format of the Award Scheme for Private Discoms, Governemnt Disoms and RDF for 2017-18
Award Scheme for Private Discoms, Governemnt Disoms and RDF for 2017-18
Data regarding 11 KV Rural Feeder Monitoring Scheme (under DISCOMs)
Request for Impact Assessment of separation of rural feeders under DDUGJY scheme
Monthwise Pumpset Energization Report FY 2018-19
Format for Comprehensive Award Scheme(s) for the Distribution Companies(Govt & Private) and Rural Distribution Franchisees (RDFs) for the year the consideration year 2018-19
Comprehensive Award Scheme(s) for the Distribution Companies(Govt & Private) and Rural Distribution Franchisees (RDFs) for the year the consideration year 2018-19
DO letter sent to Principal Secretary / Secretary Power of States / UTs for Details and Status of Rural and Urban feeders with Communication facilities in distribution licensees area.
Inviting Public Comments on Draft Universal Feeder Code