Power System Planning & Appraisal-II Division

Power System Planning & Appraisal-II Division - Brief Description

Chief Engineer : Shri B.S. Bairwa (In-charge)

Activity of Power System Planning & Appraisal-II Division
  1. Meetings of Eastern Region Power Committee (Transmission Planning) (ERPCTP)
  2. Meetings of North Eastern Region Power Committee (Transmission Planning) (NERPCTP).
  3. Import/Export (Cross Border) of Electricity.
  4. Transmission planning studies for development of transmission system in Eastern Region (ER) and North Eastern Region (NER).
  5. Preparation of transmission plan of ER and NER through Standing Committee on Short Term & Perspective Power System Planning {SCSTPPSP)
  6. Preparation of special transmission schemes for NER e.g. NERPSIP
  7. National Committee on Transmission (NCT) and associated works
  8. Preparation/Updation of Manual on Transmission Planning Criteria
  9. Appraisal of Power Evacuation Aspects of Hydro Electric Power Projects of Eastern and North Eastern Region.
  10. Examination of transmission aspects in DPR of foreign countries proposals for financial assistance like Gol Line of Credit.
  11. One Sun One World One Grid (OSOWOG)
  12. Regional Cooperation e.g. SAARC, BIMSTEC, SASEC and Interconnections.
  13. Establishment of BIMSTEC Energy Centre
  14. Approvals of Designated Authority for import/export of power from neighbouring countries.
  15. Planning and coordination for new cross border links with Nepal and Bhutan
  16. Verification for export of power from eligible fuel by generating stations under Guidelines for Import/Export (Cross Border) of Electricity-2018
  17. Works related to meeting of Joint Steering Committee (JSC), Joint Working Group (JWG) with neighbouring countries on Cooperation in Power Sector
  18. Conducting meetings of Joint Technical Team Transmission (JTT-T) and Joint Operation Committee (JOC) with neighbouring countries on Cooperation in Power
  19. Coordinating Cross Border Power trade through State Grids
  20. Power Exchange Committee (PEC) between India and Nepal
  21. India Denmark Energy Cooperation
  22. Appraisal of intra-state Proposals for grant of Central Government Funds/Funding from Multilateral Agencies, in their region
  23. Processing of approval under Section-68 of the Electricity Act, 2003, for construction of overhead lines of Eastern and North Eastern Region
  24. Recommendation to MNRE for release of fund for the intra-state transmission schemes under GEC Scheme (i) when the scheme is awarded by STUs and (ii)
    after completion of the scheme, in their region
  25. Appraisal of intra-state Proposals for grant of Central Government Funds/Funding from Multilateral Agencies, in their region
  26. Providing Advice to Ministry of Power (MoP) / State Governments I Regulator Commissions on transmission aspects and Cross Border Trade of Electricity
  27. Development of policies on matters such as - transmission planning, transfer capacity, National Electricity Policy (transmission aspects), Tariff policy (transmission aspects), CBTE, etc.
  28. Providing information under RTI Act, providing inputs to Ministry of Power on Parliament Questions, Committees of the Parliament, VIP references and legal references.