Hydro Project Appraisal Division

Hydro Project Appraisal Division - Brief Description

Chief Engineer : Rakesh Goyal (Additional Charge)

Activity of HPA Division
  1. Matters relating to Appraisal of Hydro Electric Projects located in the country.
  2. Examination and approval of Power Potential Studies Chapters of Hydro Electric Projects referred prior to submission of Detailed Project Report.
  3. Examination and approval of the following aspects of Detailed Project Reports of Hydro Electric Projects and Multi-Purpose Projects in regard referred for accord of Concurrence u s 8 of Electricity Act, 2003:
    • (I).Examination of Power Potential Studies.
    • (II).Examination of cost estimates for E&M and Miscellaneous Works and their phasing of expenditure.
    • (III).Examination of Construction Power.
  4. Examination and offer comments on proposals for revalidation of Concurrence of Hydro Electric Projects from a technical angle.
  5. Examination and offer comments on proposals for transfer of Concurrence of Hydro Electric Projects from a technical angle.
  6. Examination and offer comments on Memoranda of Changes from the approved/concurred DPRs of Hydro Electric Projects from the PPS angle.
  7. Examination and vetting of Revised Cost Estimates in respect of CPSU Hydro Electric and offer comments.
  8. Examination and offer comments on Pre-PIB & PIB Memo and CCEA Notes for investment approval of Hydro Electric Projects and offer comments.
  9. Examination and approval of Pre-feasibility/Feasibility Reports for accord of Commercial Viability to CPSU Hydro Electric Projects under Three Stage Procedure.
  10. Examination and approval of cost estimates of Stage-II activities of Hydro Electric Projects under Three Stage Procedure.
  11. Examination of Proposals of stalled projects to be processed through Evaluation Committee for facilitating takeover of stalled hydro projects.
  12. Preparation of Chapter on Cost of Electro-Mechanical Works of Hydro Electric Projects referred for providing consultancy service.
  13. Works related to Budgetary Support for enabling Infrastructure and Flood
  14. Moderation in HEPs:
    • (a).Rs.1.5 cr./MW for projects up to 200 MW
    • (b).Rs. 1.0 er. /MW for projects above 200 MW
    • (b).As per actual for FM
  15. Matters related to preparing material for framing reply to parliament questions, VIP references, references from Standing Committee on Energy and Consultative Committee of MOP, R I references and references from chief power minister's conferences etc. in respect of Hydro Electric Projects located in Northern & Western Regions and Neighboring Countries.
  16. Convening monthly review meeting (ISO meeting) of progress of works and preparation of Management Information System Report and Monitoring Matrix of HPA-1 Division.
  17. Examination and vetting of Revised Design Energy of Hydro Power Projects.
  18. Coordination of matters regarding appraisal of Hydro Electric Projects including PSPs.
  19. Coordination of Al India matters regarding preparing material for framing reply to parliament questions, VIP references, references from .Standing Committee on Energy and Consultative Committee of MOP, RTI references and references from chief/ power ministers conferences etc.
  20. Preparation/Updation of Monthly Status Reports on Examination and Concurrence of Hydro Electric Projects and Quarterly Status Reports on Environment & Forest aspects, Private Sector and Inter-State aspects of Hydro Electric Projects.
  21. Preparation of Guidelines for:
    • a.Formulation, examination & Concurrence of DPRs of HE Projects and Pumped Storage projects- Revised guidelines under submission to Authority
    • b.Examination of Memorandum of Changes Proposals
    • c.Examination of Revised Design Energy Proposals
    • d.Examination of Revised Cost Estimates of CPSUs

Hydro Project Appraisal Division - Reports

Hydro Project Appraisal Division - Project Appraisal Committee Directorate - Other Reports