Integrated Resource Planning-I

Integrated Resource Planning-I - Brief Description

Chief Engineer : Smt. Ammi Ruhama Toppo

“Preparation of National Electricity Plan (Generation)-[NEP], notification of NEP in Gazette of India & publication once in five years as per section 3(4) of Electricity Act, 2003. Work out feasible generation mix for generation expansion planning & to justify the project based on demand & supply. Advice/consultation regarding generation data analysis to various organizations in the power sector. Allocation of power amongst beneficiaries of the States/UTs from central sector power projects as per the guidelines issued by MoP. Consolidation of generation capacity addition target & achievements report.”


National Electricity Plan
  1. Prepare and publish feasible and pragmatic National Electricity Plan (NEP) once in every five years in accordance with National Electricity Policy in consultation with Government, State/Central Utilities, licensees, generating companies, public and other stake holders.
  2. Periodic review of National Electricity Plan (NEP) in accordance with feedback from stakeholders and emerging market realities.
Generation Capacity Addition
  1. Recommend short term and medium term generating capacity addition plans and to review the scheduled capacity addition vis-a-vis achievement on All India basis.
  2. Provide assistance to MoP in periodic review of scheduled generating capacity addition vis-a-vis achievement.
RA Studies
  1. RA Studies-All India
    1. Carrying out studies for Long Term National Resource Adequacy Plan (LTNRAP) and publish the national-level PRM and the reliability indices (LOLP and NENS) annually and publish the report.
    2. Publish the Optimal Generation mix for the next 10 years required to ensure that the national-level system is RA compliant while meeting the All-India demand at least-cost.
    3. Publish the capacity credits for different resource types on a regional basis.
    4. Publish the State /UT's contribution towards national peak.
    5. Periodic review of Planning Norms and reliability indices (LOLP &NENS) for carrying out planning studies
  2. RA Studies- Western region
    1. Carrying out State specific Resource Adequacy Studies for Western Region and hand holding the States of the Region in preparation of Long Term Discom Resource adequacy Plan (LT-DRAP).
    2. Periodically vetting the LT-DRAP Plan of Discom/Utilities of Western Region
  3. RA Tool
    1. Works related to procurement and development of Resource Adequacy Tool.
    2. Works related to procurement and development of Resource Adequacy Tool.
International Cooperation
  1. Works related to Inda-Denmark Cooperation.
  1. Preparation of presentation/ Speeches for inaugural sessions, seminars, workshops and conferences
  2. Association with various committees, councils etc. in the power sector.
  3. Preparation of material/replies to Parliament Questions, references from VIPs and MoP, standing committee on energy, power utilities etc.