Thermal Project Planning & Development Division

Thermal Project Planning & Development Division - Brief Description

Chief Engineer : Shri Rajeev Kumar (Additional Charge)

Activity of  Thermal Project Planning & Development Division
  1. Examination of proposals for grant of coal blocks to power plants.
  2. Examining proposals for change of category of generating plants i.e. CPP to IPP and vice-versa.
  3. Monitoring of thermal power projects which have been accorded environment clearance up to placement of order for main plant equipment.
  4. Monitoring of development of captive coal blocks allocated for power generation along with status of end use project.
  5. Recommendation to MOP for accord of coal linkage to central sector and state sector thermal power plants.
  6. Recommendation to MOP for accord of bridge - linkage to central an n d state sector thermal power plant against the allocation of coal block.
  7. Coordinating with Ministry of Coal all the coal linkage auction to private Developers under SHAKTI policy.
  8. Coal linkage allocation to States under SHAKTI policy for purchasing power through tariff based competitive bidding.
  9. Monitoring of utilization of treated sewage water from thermal power plants, etc.

Thermal Project Planning & Development Division - Other Reports