Furnishing comments/inputs to various divisions of CEA on regulatory matters.
Comments/ inputs on interpretation and implementation issues related to various Regulations of CEA/CERC/SERCs.
Rendering advice to Ministry of Power (MoP) / State Governments/ Regulatory Commissions and power utilities on regulatory matters related to generation, transmission, distribution and trading of electricity in light of the provisions of Electricity Act, 2003 and Regulations/Standards of CEA/CERC/SERCs.
Providing inputs to MoP /other Divisions of CEA on VIP references, Parliament Questions, references from Standing Committees of the Parliament, Consultative Committees and legal cases on regulatory aspects in the electricity sector.
Preparation and publish brief & detailed monthly market monitoring report and annual market monitoring report for transaction of electricity in short term power Market.
Other additional work assigned: Admin. Coord., CEA vide their orders dated 25.10.2022 and 27.10.2022 has assigned new tasks to Regulatory Affairs Division, which are follows:
a. All the works related to Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) will henceforth be coordinated by Regulatory Affairs Division of CEA.
b. All the works related to National Single Window System (NSWS) will henceforth be Coordinated by Regulatory Affairs Division Of CEA.
c. Regulatory Affairs Division (RA) will henceforth be the Coordinating Division for all Regulations of Central Electricity Authority. All such drafts, seeking concurrence of the Authority, will be routed through the RA Division.
d. RA Division will act as "Repository of all the Regulations issued by CEA and will ensure harmony and integrity among these Regulations