Approvals under section 68 of Electricity Act, 2003 in Western region
Prior approval of the Government of India under section 68(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to M/s SBESS Services Projectco Two Private Limited for the transmission scheme “Connectivity system for M/s SBESS Services Projectco Two Private Limited for 324.4 MW Generation Wind project in Dhar, MP”
Prior approval of the Government of India under section 68(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to M/s Powerica Limited for the transmission scheme Connectivity system for 50.6 MW wind farms to M/s Powerica Limited in Jam Khambhaliya, Dev Bhoomi, Dwarka, Gujarat
Prior approval of the Government of India under section 68(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to M/s SV Power Private Limited (SVPPL) for the transmission scheme Additional Connectivity to M/s ACB (India) Limited (Lead Generator) for 1x63 MW TPS of M/s SV Power Ltd. at Korba, Chhattisgarh
Prior approval of the Government of India under section 68(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to M/s Netra Wind Private Limited (NWPL) for the transmission scheme Connectivity for 300 MW wind farms to M/s Netra Wind Private Limited in Kutch, Gujarat
Prior approval of the Government under Section 68(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to M/s Sprng Vayu Vidyut Private Limited (SVVPL) for the transmission scheme Connectivity for 200 MW wind farms to M/s Sprng Vayu Vidyut Private Limited in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh
Prior approval of the Government under Section 68(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to M/s Sitac Kabini Renewables Private Limited (SKRPL) for the transmission scheme Connectivity to M/s Sitac Kabini Renewables Private Limited for its proposed 300 MW wind farms in Bhuj, Gujarat
Prior approval of the Government of India under section 68(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to M/s ACB (India) Limited (ACBIL) for the transmission scheme “Additional Connectivity to M/s ACB (India) Limited (Lead Generator) for 1x63 MW TPS of M/s SV Power Ltd. at Korba, Chhattisgarh”
Prior approval of Government of India under section 68(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for the transmission works covered under “Transmission System for providing connectivity to RE projects at Bhuj-II (2000 MW) in Gujarat” in favour of “ Bhuj-II Transmission Limited” , the SPV of PFC Consulting Limited (PFCCL)
Transmission system associated with RE generations at Bhuj-II, Dwarka & Lakadia
Western Region Strengthening Scheme – 21 (WRSS-21) Part-A – Transmission system Strengthening for relieving overloadings observed in Gujarat Intra-State System due to RE injections in Bhuj PS
M/s Srijan Energy Systems Private Limited (SESPL) for the transmission scheme “Connectivity system of M/s Srijan Energy Systems Private Limited for its 600 MW (300 MW + 300 MW) wind farms in Kutch, Gujarat” - Annx 3
M/s Torrent Power Limited (TPL) for the transmission scheme “Connectivity system of M/s Torrent Power Limited for 300 MW Lakhpat wind farm in Kutch, Gujarat” - Annx 2
M/s Torrent Power Limited (TPL) for the transmission scheme “Connectivity system of M/s Torrent Power Limited for its 199.50 MW Junachay and 115 MW Nakhatrana wind farms in Kutch, Gujarat” - Annx 1
Prior approval of the Government of India under section 68(1) of the Electricity Act,2003 for the Transmission project - “WRSS-21 (Part B) – Transmission System Strengthening for relieving overloading observed in Gujarat Intra-state system due to RE injections in Bhuj PS”
Prior approval of Government of India under section 68(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to M/s POWERGRID Corporation of India Ltd. (PGCIL) for the transmission works covered under “Scheme to control Fault level at Wardha substation"
Connectivity system to M/s Toramba Renewable Energy Private Limited for its proposed 300 MW wind farms in Horti, Osmanabad
Connectivity system of M/s Avikiran Solar India Private Limited for its 285 MW wind farms in Kutch, Gujarat
Connectivity system to M/s ReNew Wind Energy (AP2) Private Limited for its 300 MW wind power project in Kutch, Gujarat
Prior approval of the Government of India under section 68(1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for the Transmission project - “Western Region Strengthening Scheme- XIX (WRSS-XIX) and North Eastern Region Strengthening Scheme-IX (NERSS-IX)” in favour of “ Vapi II – North Lakhimpur Transmission Limited” , the SPV of PFC Consulting Limited (PFCCL)
Connectivity system to M/s Green Infra Wind Energy Limited for 250 MW wind farms in Kutch, Gujarat
Connectivity System for 300 MW wind farms in Kotda Madh, Kutch, Gujarat to M/s Alfanar Energy Private Limited
Connectivity System to M/s Adani Green Energy (MP) Limited for its wind power projects in Kutch, Gujarat
Connectivity system to M/s Green Infra Wind Energy Limited for 300 MW wind farms in Kutch, Gujarat
68_WWIL_Connectivity System of 500 MW Wind Farms in Walka Mota, Bhuj, Gujrat
68_ReNew Power Ventures Private Limited_Connectivity System for ReNew Power Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (RPVPL) for its 400 MW wind farms in Kutch, Gujarat
Additional 2 no. of 220 kv lines bays for 1 X 500 MVA, 400/220 kV 3rd ICT at Khandwa (PG) S/s
Connectivity System for Surguja Power Private Ltd (4 X 150 MW), Parsa, Chhattisgarh
68_IWISL_Connectivity System for M/s Inox Wind Infrastructure Service Limited 500MW wind farms in Dayapur, Kutch, Gujrat
68_GTTPL_Additional 400 kV feed to Goa and additional system for power evacuation from generation projects pooled at Raigarh (Tamnar) pool
68_OKWPL_Connectivity system for 300MW wind power
68_CWRTL_System strenghtehning for IPPs in Chattishgarh and other generation projects in WR
68_KTL_Tx sys strengthening in WR associated with Khargone TPS
68_NTPC_Khargone TPP Makeup water Pump
68_PG_Add sys for evac of gen pooled at Raigarh Pool
68_PG_Additinal 400kV feed to goa - modification
68_PG_Additional 400 kV feed to Goa
68_PG_SS extension works associated with TBCB schemes in WR
68_PG_Sub station extension works in WR
68_PG_Tx sys strengthening associated with Mundra UMPP Part-B
68_PG_Tx sys strengthening in WR associated with Khargone TPS
68_PG_Tx system for UMSP Banaskantha
68_PG_Tx system for UMSP Rewa,MP
68_RRWTL_Additional system strengthening scheme for Chattishgarh IPPs (Part-B)
68_STL_ Additional System Strengthening for Sipat STPS-Revised
68_STL_Additional System Strengthening for Sipat STPS